Collider serves up drop of primordial soup – Physics World (2024)

A tiny drop of an exotic ultra-hot “soup” that permeated the universe for an instant immediately after the Big Bang appears to have been created in collisions between gold nuclei and deuterons at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at Brookhaven National Lab in the US. Evidence that a quark–gluon plasma (QGP) may be generated even in collisions involving very light nuclei such as the deuteron first emerged five years ago from data at the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva. But the new RHIC results push this evidence to record-low collision energies, which should help physicists better understand how a QGP forms and evolves.

A quark–gluon plasma (QGP) occurs at a temperature about 100,000 times that at the centre of the Sun. Protons and neutrons “melt” into an unbounded mass of quarks and their force-carrying particles, gluons. This extreme state of matter is believed to have persisted for only a few milliseconds after the Big Bang but can be created artificially by colliding very heavy nuclei that are travelling near to the speed of light.

The first, albeit indirect, evidence for such collisions was claimed by scientists at CERN in 2000, who smashed high-energy beams of lead ions into fixed targets made of lead or gold. Five years later, physicists working at RHIC also showed that they could create a QGP – in this case by colliding two beams of gold ions head on. However, these results contained a surprise: physicists had expected a QGP to behave like a gas, but instead it appeared to resemble a liquid.

Perfect liquid

Plotting the trajectories of the many thousands of particles created in each collision, the RHIC researchers found that the particles were not emitted in random directions as they would be in a gas. Rather, some of the emissions were correlated, meaning that more particles flew off at a narrow angle to the plane of the collision than were emitted at roughly right angles. This elliptical distribution signified that the particles were moving collectively and in fact “flowing” together like an almost friction-free perfect liquid, according to the researchers.

The latest work shows that this liquid state appears to be created even when heavy nuclei collide with very light nuclei at low energies. The first, unexpected, glimpse of such a small-scale QGP came in 2012 from the analysis of collisions between lead nuclei and protons at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider – events that were intended simply as a control for lead–lead collisions rather than to generate the scalding plasma themselves. That result prompted scientists in RHIC’s PHENIX collaboration to re-analyse data from collisions between gold nuclei and deuterons, particles consisting of one proton and one neutron. As they reported in 2013, they too saw telltale signs of fluid flow. A couple of years later the PHENIX team saw similar behaviour in collisions between nuclei of gold and helium-3.

Now, the PHENIX researchers have returned to gold–deuteron events. But this time they have studied the effect of varying the collision energy to see if the liquid behaviour disappears. Carrying out measurements over five weeks last year, they set the collision energy at four different levels: 200, 62.4, 39 and 19.6GeV. They found very similar correlations at all energies when comparing the trajectories of particles grouped into pairs and into sets of four. At 200GeV, they also looked at six-particle correlations. Their conclusion: liquid flow probably occurs all the way down to at least 20GeV.

Tiny volumes

According to PHENIX deputy spokesperson Julia Velkovska of Vanderbilt University in Tennessee, the droplets they have created this time around are about 100 times smaller than those generated in collisions between large nuclei – occupying the volume of just four protons. Calculations suggest that the plasmas also only last for about a fifth of the time – a fleeting 7×10–24s. “We have found correlations on scales much smaller than previously thought possible,” she says. “That means that as long as we achieve a high-enough energy density, size is not so important. A QGP may still be formed.”

The researchers’ next step is to see whether other expected signatures of a QGP, already verified in collisions with heavier nuclei, are also present in these smaller-scale collisions. One such signature is the abundance and flow pattern of different types of particles emitted in the collisions. Collaboration member Darren McGlinchey of Los Alamos National Laboratory says that abundance data provide information on the temperature of a QGP.

PHENIX colleague Ron Belmont of the University of Colorado says it is still possible that the elliptical emission they have observed is due not to the formation of tiny QGPs but instead down to nuclear properties prior to collision. When accelerated close to light speed, time slows down for the heavy nuclei, which means, according to quantum chromodynamics, that they appear as a dense wall of gluons. The fact that these condensates are thicker in the centre of the nuclei might explain why particles generated in the collisions are not emitted in random directions, he says.

Theoretical predictions

The expected effects of these condensates on the gold–deuteron collisions are still being worked out by theorists, says Velkovska, and as such have not yet been compared to the latest results. In contrast, she notes, predictions from hydrodynamics are in, and, she says, “agree with the data well”.

The results have been posted to the arXiv server (arXiv: 1707.06108 and arXiv: 1708.06983) and have been submitted for publication in Physical Review Letters and Physical Review C.

Collider serves up drop of primordial soup – Physics World (2024)


What is the primordial soup of the universe? ›

A few billionths of a second after the Big Bang, the universe was made up of a kind of extremely hot and dense primordial soup of the most fundamental particles, especially quarks and gluons. This state is called quark-gluon plasma.

Has primordial soup been recreated? ›

Not quite. We've never had a reaction vessel the size of the Earth, nor millions of years to repeat the experiment, nor do we have information about the necessary conditions. So, it's not really possible to replicate the process except very crudely and on a small scale.

What is the meaning of plasma soup? ›

Plasma is often called “the fourth state of matter,” along with solid, liquid and gas. Just as a liquid will boil, changing into a gas when energy is added, heating a gas will form a plasma – a soup of positively charged particles (ions) and negatively charged particles (electrons).

What does quark-gluon plasma look like? ›

Instead of an expanding gas, the quark-gluon plasma looked like a liquid—a nearly perfect one, with almost no viscosity. In a gas, particles act individually; in a liquid, particles move cohesively.

What is the myth of the primordial soup? ›

The idea of the primordial soup was originally proposed by Alexander Oparin and John Haldane as a possible explanation for the creation of life on our planet. The theory states that if energy is added to the gases that made up Earth's early atmosphere, the building blocks of life would be created.

What do we mean when we say primordial soup? ›

The primordial soup is a generic term that describes the aqueous solution of organic compounds that accumulated in primitive water bodies of the early Earth as a result of endogenous abiotic syntheses and the extraterrestrial delivery by cometary and meteoritic collisions, and from which some have assumed that the ...

What is the best evidence for abiogenesis? ›

Fossil Evidence of Abiogenesis

There is geochemical evidence of the environmental conditions of the primitive Earth in rock deposits from 3.4 billion years ago. Likewise, the first fossil records of living beings have been found in rocks from 3 billion years ago and have been interpreted as bacteria.

What experiment proves the origin of life? ›

The Miller-Urey experiment provided the first evidence that organic molecules needed for life could be formed from inorganic components. Some scientists support the RNA world hypothesis, which suggests that the first life was self-replicating RNA.

How to make primordial soup in real life? ›

Boil some water to mimic evaporation of the early ocean. Add a few gases thought to be present in the early atmosphere. Apply a jolt of electricity to simulate lightning. Let run for a few days—and you're left with a brownish soup of amino acids, the building blocks for everything alive on Earth.

What is the cosmic soup theory? ›

Instead, physicists believe, the Universe was filled by a soup of particles. Electrons, particles called baryons, which are ordinary matter particles, and particles of light, called photons, sloshed around together and were coupled to each other, behaving like a fluid — the so-called baryon-photon fluid.

What is a synonym for primordial soup? ›

Primordial soup, also known as prebiotic soup, is the hypothetical set of conditions present on the Earth around 3.7 to 4.0 billion years ago.

Where did quarks and gluons come from? ›

In the first few microseconds after the Big Bang, the universe consisted of a hot and dense state of matter called the quark-gluon plasma (QGP).

Is anything smaller than a quark? ›

In particle physics, preons are hypothetical point particles, conceived of as sub-components of quarks and leptons. The word was coined by Jogesh Pati and Abdus Salam, in 1974.

What happens when two quarks collide? ›

In an initial heavy-ion collision, pairs of quarks or gluons may slam directly into each other and scatter back-to-back – a spurt of energy that quickly condenses to a jet of pions, kaons, and other particles.

Why does our universe have 8 types of gluons? ›

[This would naively give nine independent numbers, but for SU(3) the sum of the three diagonal elements must be zero, leaving only eight; this is why there are eight gluons rather than nine, despite there being three colors and three anti-colors.]

What is the primordial matter of the universe? ›

The primordial matter of the universe with spherical shape contains all its constituents in the form of electrons, quarks, positrons and anti-quarks without distance between them. Zero distance between particles and anti-particles causing of existing the first or primordial force holding the original matter.

Who is the primordial god of the universe? ›

The primordial gods or "Protogenoi" of Greek mythology were the most basic components of the universe which emerged fully-formed at creation. They included Earth, Air, Sea, Sky, Fresh Water, Underworld, Darkness, Night, Light, Day, Procreation and Time.

What is the primordial era of the universe? ›

The Primordial Era. -50 < n < 5. This era encompasses the early phase in the history of the universe. While the universe is less than 10,000 years old, most of the energy density of the universe resides in the form of radiation and this early time is often called the radiation dominated era.

Why is it called primordial? ›

The history of "primordial" began when the Latin words "primus" (meaning "first") and "ordiri" (meaning "to begin") came together to form "primordium," the Latin word for "origin." When it entered English in the 14th century, "primordial" was used in the general sense "primeval." Early on, there were hints that " ...

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