What are 10 Things you Should Know About Braincore Therapy and Neurofeedback? Click Here (2024)

What are 10 Things you Should Know About Braincore Therapy and Neurofeedback? Click Here (1)The theory of neurofeedback is simple enough. When you track your brainwaves, you can change the way your brain works. You can manipulate it to do what you want it to leading to fewer mental health issues and a greater sense of wellbeing. BrainCore neurofeedback is commonly known as EEG Biofeedback. Experts use it as an exercise for the brain. The idea is to identify and retrain brainwaves that aren’t doing what they should be doing.

According to experts, BrainCore is a drug-free alternative that stabilizes the brain. Neurofeedback isn’t nearly as new as some might think. It was discovered over 40 years ago, and the FDA hasn’t reported a single side effect. This therapy has been used to treat ADHD migraines, insomnia, and more. Some doctors have even used it for post-stroke symptoms, anxiety, and panic attacks. Of course, this should only be done under the supervision of a qualified professional. If you’re currently taking drugs, those should be continued unless your doctor gives you the green light to stop taking them.

Below are some commonly asked questions or concerns tha patients may have had in regards to Braincore Therapy.

1.) What Is BrainCore Therapy?

BrainCore therapy uses neurofeedback to recognize problems and find solutions. It’s performed by trained professionals using EEG equipment. Rather than using a multi-sensor cap, BrainCore uses two sensors that are each smaller than a dime. These are placed on preset spots along with a clip on each earlobe. Computers continuously monitor brain waves. When it produces the proper patterns, the machine provides a positive incentive. It’s most often done using a movie that plays only when it gets the right trigger.

BrainCore starts with a comprehensive assessment. Doctors use this assessment to set a baseline for a client’s brainwave patterns. Professionals can then create a restorative care plan. Each assessment after that is used to track the patient’s progress.

Which frequency band and areas of the brain are trained with BrainCore? The exact mix will depend on the patient. It can vary widely based on the results you expect. A cap is placed on the head with sensors to measure the brain waves. Clients sit or lay quietly for approximately five minutes. Then practitioners will ask patients to open their eyes for five minutes. The equipment can then generate images that identify imbalances in the brain. Which areas are too active or not active enough? Each patient gets a unique brain map showing this balance.

What are 10 Things you Should Know About Braincore Therapy and Neurofeedback? Click Here (2)Why is neurofeedback effective for so many patients? Neurofeedback uses the brain’s the ability to naturally change itself using neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity is commonly discussed as a toolto acquire new skills. The brain forms new connections between nerve cells while using different pathways to different parts of the brain. The more frequently this happens, the more efficient the brain becomes. This creates an effect called “Operant conditioning.” Biofeedback creates the perfect learning conditions that then promote change.

When you start your biofeedback treatment, you might hear terms like slow, idle, or fast processing. What are the differences? What does this mean?

  • Slow Processing: Slow processing describes the brain’s state when it produces higher levels of delta and theta waves. This is commonly associated with states of deep sleep. Delta is the slowest of the brain’s processing speeds at 1-4Hz. Theta frequency occurs at 4-7Hz. Theta is most common when the patient is experiencing deep relaxation.
  • Idle Processing: When the brain rises to an idle state, it produces higher alpha waves. Alpha has a processing speed of 8-12Hz. A healthy brain produces more alpha waves on the right compared to the left side.
  • Fast Processing: Fast processing occurs when the brain consistently produces higher levels of beta waves. This is common when the brain is focused on external stimuli. It can also be associated with critical reasoning and concentration. It produces 12-30Hz when the brain is functioning as it should. It favors the left side with more beta waves on the left than the right.

Doctors can identify the brainwave imbalances that can contribute to conditions like ADHD, depression, and OCD. Theta brain waves are commonly associated with things like ADHD and hyperactivity. It could manifest in something as simple as impulsivity or being easily distracted. These brain waves have also been connected to autism and dementia.

Alpha imbalances are more commonly associated with depression. Patients who are considered to be healthy can still express a victim mentality, irritability, and avoidance. Finally, a beta imbalance can contribute to obsessive thinking, insomnia, and irrational thinking. This is true even when they don’t rise to the level of mental illness.

BrainCore is often sought out by adults looking for a more lasting solution. It has also been used as a drug-free alternative for other conditions. Each case can be evaluated individually.

2.) What Is Neurofeedback?

What are 10 Things you Should Know About Braincore Therapy and Neurofeedback? Click Here (3)If you search for “neurofeedback” online, you’ll find plenty of resources claiming it saved someone’s life. Some articles are more simple claiming it made them feel better or helped with conditions like ADHD. Research has been introduced suggesting it can slowly adjust brain patterns. The technical details aren’t always consistent. This is why many people still don’t understand what neurofeedback is.

Neurofeedback is a popular type of biofeedback. Many people understandably mix up the two. Biofeedback is a generalized group that includes things like the previously popular mood rings. These processes measure heart rate variability, thermal, and neurological patterns (EEG). They also measure muscle-related measurements (EMG). It’s commonly referred to as Neurotherapy or neurofeedback. Neurofeedback targets specific brain waves and targets any irregularities and dysfunctions. The idea is to make brain waves work together. It’s like realigning your car wheels after replacing key parts. A little misalignment can lead to a rough ride and other serious problems.

During state auto inspections, mechanics will hook your car up to computers. This will give them key information used to detect certain problems so they can be corrected. Neurofeedback allows specialists to do the same for your brain. Can neurofeedback be done at home? Some companies sell machines and other resources to do just this. Inexperienced users can do more damage than good. Especially if you’re seeking treatment for specific conditions, you could make the symptoms worse. With the help of a specialist, you can do regular maintenance at home to improve the results.

a.) How can neurofeedback help the average patient?

Many articles and sites talk about its benefits for patients with neurological issues. Strokes, brain surgery, and Parkinson’s disease are common subjects. Many also talk about psychological issues like anxiety and PTSD or even attachment disorders. Anxiety is a consequence of neural dysregulations, not the cause. Neurofeedback is designed to look for the causes according to supporters. Some people want to address issues while others just want to feel their best.

b.) How does neurofeedback work?

Electrodes are applied to the scalp to listen to the brainwaves. The patient sees the ebb and flow of brain waves on a screen. Then specialists can promote some and diminish others. Neurofeedback operates as a video game. Once the brainwave is altered, it will create an ideal shape.

c.) Where can you get neurofeedback?

Practitioners are generally mental health professionals. Patients can work with therapists, psychologists, and social workers. Sometimes, doctors, nurses, and rehab facilitators can also help.

d.) Can neurofeedback cure the conditions many clinics and experts talk about?

Whether you’re talking about anxiety, ADHD, or something else, neurofeedback isn’t a cure. It’s designed to improve brain waves to enhanced neurological function. You might still need treatment. It’s all about finding the right balance. Experts can help you determine where that is.

e.) Is neurofeedback right for you?

With the right treatment regimen, neurofeedback can help with many issues. Treatment for many conditions often involves a combination of neurofeedback and other treatments. With ongoing therapy, you can reduce drug use and improve your daily functions. For some people, it improves memory and mood. There’s no shortage of benefits with the right practitioner.

What are 10 Things you Should Know About Braincore Therapy and Neurofeedback? Click Here (4)When you’re looking at neurofeedback, don’t be surprised if you read some claims that seem hard to believe. Neurofeedback hasn’t been talked about as much as you’d expect in the past. It has grown exponentially in just the past few years as more people see what neurofeedback can do. Every day people are using it. As it has gained popularity, neurofeedback has also become more affordable. You should always make sure you’ve thoroughly discussed expectations and your options with an expert.

3.) Three Benefits of Braincore

A.) Non-Invasive Therapy with No Pain Involved

Whenever patients start a new treatment plan, pain and side effects are common concerns. Any prescription medication you take can cause complications for the wrong patient. Ironically, some medications meant for depression can cause “suicidal thoughts and actions.” These are commonly listed on standard warning labels. BrainCore neurofeedback patients haven’t reported any side effects. It doesn’t require surgery or any recovery time. The sensors used don’t use any electricity. So you can put aside mental images of ECT or other similar procedures. The idea is to control the brainwaves to alter the brain over time without damaging it. It takes an experienced professional to recognize different opportunities.

B.) Long-Term Relief

BrainCore doesn’t provide temporary relief like many drugs. Drugs are designed to treat the immediate symptoms of conditions like ADHD, depression, or migraines. Some patients report immediate improvements with BrainCore. The greater focus is on the long-term. Neurofeedback works to change the way the brain works for long-lasting benefits. Ideally, these will be lifelong changes. It adjusts the way the brain reacts to certain stimuli. Administrators might start out with an aggressive treatment plan that tapers off. Sometimes, patients need “refresher” sessions later on. They don’t have toplan on daily, weekly, or even monthly treatments for the rest of their lives, though.

C.) Reduce or Eliminate Prescription Drugs

Depending on the problem, you might need prescription medications for the rest of your life. It’s common for patients to lower the dose or frequency of medication use with BrainCore. If you start feeling like it might be an option for you, the first step is talking to your doctor. Patients slowly lower the dose and assess the outcomes. Eventually, patients might eliminate medications entirely. Prescriptions are meant for immediate and short-lived benefits. When brain function changes, the problem could be less severe or go away entirely. While some side effects are well-established, we don’t know exactly what prescription drugs can do.

For the past 40 years, experts have researched neurofeedback and its effects. Dr. Patrick H. Duffy, professor of pediatric neurology at Harvard Medical School, has been an active part. He believes it has proven itself and should be used for a wide range of applications. Recent research has included this could also include seizures and PTSD. Both adults and children can use BrainCore biofeedback. Experts can discuss the benefits and challenges. They can also lay out reasonable expectations when you come in. Many people understandably want to know as much as they can about any treatment they use.

4.) Is Braincore Therapy a Form of Neurofeedback?

If you listen to the radio or popular podcasts, you might’ve heard of a concept called “neuroplasticity.” Neurofeedback practitioners claim to use this basic concept. The idea is your brain waves aren’t always in sync with one another. Neurofeedback works with your brain to change this. Successful treatment can increase concentration and mental performance. According to ads and practitioners, it can also help patients alleviate a range of problems. These could include things like fatigue or poor memory. For some patients, it also includes neurological issues like Parkinson’s disease, anxiety, and ADHD.

Of course, any medical condition should be treated by a qualified medical professional. You might notice immediate improvements with neurofeedback. Many patients require a few treatments. Depending on your condition, neurofeedback isn’t designed to provide a “cure.”

So is braincore therapy considered to be a form of neurofeedback? The simple answer is yes. Braincore uses an active experience that exercises the brain. It’s non-invasive, and when used properly, it can create greater balance in the brain waves. Other forms of neurofeedback use different methods of targeting the same basic issues and cells. The idea is to help the brain self-regulate and increase or maintain flexibility.

Braincore isn’t as simple as just hooking you up to a machine. It has to send the right signals at the right times. You can look at the screens with experts, but it’s crucial to have professionals on your side. Braincore has to recognize abnormal brain waves and correct them. The machine can’t do this on its own. Braincore needs medical experts to monitor the process and works with patients to guide the process in the right direction. Each treatment helps the brain learn to regulate its own patterns more effectively.

What are 10 Things you Should Know About Braincore Therapy and Neurofeedback? Click Here (5)When you consider braincore for the first time, specialists will conduct a thorough assessment. Based on the results of your brain map, specialists can make a plan. Doctors, nurses, psychologists, and other medical and mental health professionals can assist. If you choose to, you can move forward and retrain your brain.

What can you expect from the process? While braincore is drug-free, many people understandably want to know more. They worry about sensors being attached to key areas around the brain. Braincore is a non-invasive neurofeedback therapy. It doesn’t fit many of the mental images you might have from movies of other brain-related therapies.

Why is braincore so effective for patients? Neurofeedback uses the brain’s natural elasticity to evolve and change itself as needed. As it learns, the brain can form connections between different nerves It clears key pathways. The more your brain uses these pathways, the more efficient it becomes. This process is often referred to as operant conditioning. The brain learns to act differently based on consequences.

The brain can use three methods: slow, idle, and fast. What does this mean? During slow processing phases, the brain uses higher levels of delta and theta waves. Theta waves are associated with a state of deep relaxation. Idle processing involves the alpha brain waves. The alpha waves are slightly faster. This creates a processing speed of 8-12Hz. A healthy brain produces more waves on the right than the left. Finally, we get to fast processing. During this process, the brain produces more beta waves at 12-30Hz. A healthy brain can produce beta waves on the left more than the right. Braincore neurofeedback helps to achieve this type of effect.

A poorly functioning brain can have many effects. Braincore is tested and designed to address these small dysfunctions that can quickly add up. When the problem is treated early, you can treat problems at their source instead of just trying to treat the symptoms as they come.

Click here to read about Braincore Therapy.

5.) BrainCore Is an Effective, Drugless, Noninvasive Approach To Many Conditions

What are 10 Things you Should Know About Braincore Therapy and Neurofeedback? Click Here (6)Neurofeedback has grown exponentially in popularity. Many people are turning away from prescription and other drugs. They want a natural alternative. Biofeedback proponents claim it rebuilds key neural connections. Doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals perform BrainCore treatments. It doesn’t require any incisions or other surgical intervention. Forget about prescriptions or other daily therapy. The idea is to repair more neural connections every session to address the root of the problem. What kind of patients should expect benefits?

  • ADHD
  • Insomnia
  • Panic Attacks and Anxiety Disorders
  • Memory Loss
  • Autism Spectrum Disorders
  • PTSD
  • Migraines and Other Headaches
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • OCD
  • Stroke

Neurofeedback tracks brain waves to see where they go wrong. Then it corrects these trends with brain exercises. With repeated treatments, it transforms and reshapes the brain. Medical professionals set realistic expectations based on the individual patient. The FDA classifies BrainCore as a safe therapy that hasn’t produced significant side effects since its start 40 years ago.

Some of the benefits of BrainCore aren’t quite as clear-cut. Maybe you don’t have a medical condition. Your brain still isn’t functioning as optimally as it could be. BrainCore calibrates the brain in a few key ways.

Slow Processing: Especially with age, the brain doesn’t always function optimally. Slow processing means the brain produces more delta and theta waves when relaxed. Delta is the slowest processing speed, and theta is the next step up. They’re meant for the twilight state of deep relaxation. Theta waves are also connected to memory recall and creativity.

Idle Processing: When the brain is idle, it produces more alpha waves. A healthy and well-regulated brain produces more alpha waves on the right side. BrainCore addresses problems that disrupt or reverse this process.

Fast Processing: Fast processing involves a higher magnitude of beta waves. This describes your brain when alert, focused and involved in critical thinking and concentration. A healthy brain also produces higher beta levels on the left side.

The causes of brainwave dysregulation are diverse and sometimes unclear. Anything causing ongoing stress to the body throws off normal brain wave patterns. This includes any perceived threat (such as those leading to PTSD or other anxiety disorders). Drugs, toxins, and vaccines also contribute to brain dysregulation. Even something like a lack of vitamin D or lack of exercise changes the way the brain works.

Even healthy people often notice reduced impulsivity, increased attention, and less hyperactivity. Being distracted and disorganized are common symptoms of brainwave irregularities. Some patients also express passive-aggressive tendencies, irritability, and avoidance. In other words, brain wave dysregulation is far more common than many people imagine. With BrainCore, it’s more fixable than you might imagine. It’s just a matter of putting in the time and effort. Patients are regularly surprised by the speed of treatment and the range of benefits. They go in without a full understanding of all the benefits involved. Medical professionals Educate patients and ensure the highest level of care.

6.) ADD/ADHD (Benefits of BrainCore)

What are 10 Things you Should Know About Braincore Therapy and Neurofeedback? Click Here (7)ADHD is one of the most talked about benefits of BrainCore. We still have a limited understanding of how it happens or where it comes from. Some patients don’t even know there’s a difference between ADD or ADHD. Media rhetoric portrays ADD as normal childhood behavior medicated by overzealous doctors. In reality, it’s a debilitating disorder that reduces the quality of life of affected individuals.

Stereotypical symptoms include things like loss of focus, high energy levels, and hyperactivity. Some ADHD patients describe symptoms similar to those of depression or anxiety. These patients are frequently misdiagnosed leading to years of treatments that don’t work. These conditions have biological factors. If you have a family member with ADD or ADHD, you’re more likely to have it. There’s no single face of either.

ADHD and ADD cause difficulty learning and focusing on tasks. They also have social and other indirect impacts. ADD and ADHD patients are less likely to engage or connect than those without.

BrainCore offers a natural approach backed by over 50 years of research. It’s used to address the underlying brain wave abnormalities that contribute to the struggles. Medication helps countless adults and children. It also comes with risks and side effects. The power effects are also intimidating for patients and family members.

More importantly, medication does not cure or get to the root of ADD or ADHD. It treats the symptoms and temporarily helps patients focus. By stimulating the neurotransmitter dopamine, they promote pleasure, attention, and movement. For the right patients, this promotes more restful sleep at night and focused energy during the day.

The goal of BrainCore therapy is treatment without medications for long-term results. Medical practitioners want to get to the root instead of picking away at the symptoms. It identifies and fixes the faulty brain waves that contribute to symptoms. Over time, the brain becomes more stable with exercise for the brain.

What are 10 Things you Should Know About Braincore Therapy and Neurofeedback? Click Here (8)BrainCore acts as a non-invasive, drug-free treatment. It exercises the brain and teaches it how to work efficiently. All four brain waves cause behavioral and other problems when unbalanced. BrainCore takes a comprehensive look at all four.

What kind of benefits should ADD or ADHD patients expect? Some notice the difference most in routine activities like balancing your checkbook. Others demonstrate major improvements in their professional or educational performance. Those who experience more severe ADD or ADHD often report improvements in every aspect of their daily life.

When should patients with ADD or ADHD start BrainCore treatment? It’s a drugless, non-invasive treatment the FDA considers safe and effective. Treatment is good for patients of varying ages including both children and adults.

If you’ve considered BrainCore therapy, the first step is talking to a medical professional. You don’t have to be diagnosed with ADD or ADHD. It treats a diverse range of symptoms meaning it addresses symptoms that don’t necessarily indicate a medical condition.

7.) Migraine and Tension-Type Headaches (Benefits of BrainCore)

What are 10 Things you Should Know About Braincore Therapy and Neurofeedback? Click Here (9)Experts estimate more than 45 million Americans deal with regular headaches. Sometimes, it hurts but fades with time. Others take powerful prescription painkillers or seek out other medical treatments. They miss work and school. Some even claim disability or take leave from their jobs. Patients look to BrainCore for relief from tension headaches for many reasons. Even if it’s about convenience and comfort, BrainCore offers a reasonable solution to improve your quality of life.

Some people explore BrainCore at the first sign of tension headaches or migraines. They steer away from harsh prescriptions and all their side effects. Others find neurofeedback only after they’ve exhausted other possibilities. The National Headache Foundation recommends neurofeedback as a safe and natural solution. This is true regardless of your medical history. How effective is it in practice? Research suggests eight out of ten subjects enjoy relief from migraines after neurofeedback. More importantly, relief seems to be long-lasting without continuing treatment over time.

BrainCore isn’t just about targeting the nerves or other parts associated with pain. It’s rewiring the brain and teaching it to work differently. This allows BrainCore to address many of the anxieties and other stressors that contribute to chronic migraines. Patients see gradual improvements starting with the first appointment. The full effects kick in for many patients after 20 to 40 sessions. You could spend the rest of your life taking prescriptions or using other treatments. As the benefits of BrainCore build, you’ll be close to never needing painkillers for your headaches again.

Neurofeedback has been through its share of controversy. Most of it is based on a lack of understanding. Patients and doctors didn’t always understand how neurofeedback works. So they worried about side effects and complications. It takes a skilled professional to administer treatment. If delivered by a qualified medical professional, BrainCore is completely safe.

Does neurofeedback work for everybody? The causes of migraines and other headaches are complicated. Patients experience the same symptoms for many reasons. The good news is neurofeedback addresses a lot of them by rewiring the brain. Each patient should work with their doctor to determine if BrainCore is right for them. Don’t be surprised if the number of appointments needed and results is different for you. Even if migraines and tension headaches run in your family, it doesn’t guarantee the same outcomes with treatment.

What else should you do if you have migraines or tension headaches? No matter how often you get them (even if it’s once or twice a year), always figure out what your triggers are. Certainfoods, exercises, and strWhat are 10 Things you Should Know About Braincore Therapy and Neurofeedback? Click Here (10)essors aggravate them. Sometimes, it’s even people who increase your stress levels. Once you identify your triggers, make a plan to avoid or counteract the effects.

While you’re in BrainCore treatment, make sure you have an action plan. What happens when you get a headache? How do you handle it to minimize the time you have to spend dealing with your headaches? If you get them frequently, talk to your doctor about preventative medications. Then set aside an area where you can block out light, sound, and other things that aggravate migraines. Make sure you also look at your diet. Certain foods might trigger your headaches. Following an unhealthy diet only aggravates the problem. BrainCore sets patients up for success. It’s up to patients to sort out the other details to maximize their success.

8.) Learning Disorders (Benefits of BrainCore)

What are 10 Things you Should Know About Braincore Therapy and Neurofeedback? Click Here (11)Every year, the number of children diagnosed with learning disorders goes up. Depending on who you talk to, there are many causes. Some believe these rates of learning disorders have always been there. We lacked the expertise to diagnose them. Others believe everything from vaccines to schools is to blame. The idea that schools are forcing medications on healthy kids because they have extra energy is all too common. For those with learning disabilities, it’s an uphill battle. They struggle in early elementary school. The longer it goes on, the further they fall behind.

What’s clear is these kids are struggling. They have a hard time keeping up with classmates who don’t have learning disorders. Some struggle to focus on the tasks at hand. Others have trouble reading. Some even believe they see words and other things differently making it harder to perform. We imagine kids bouncing off walls and disrupting classes. Sometimes, learning disorders look like depression. Children and adults are sluggish, can’t sustain the energy to get things done, and more.

What are 10 Things you Should Know About Braincore Therapy and Neurofeedback? Click Here (12) Many adults and children have been at a distinct disadvantage. They’re stuck with a system that doesn’t understand the struggles they face. Ironically, many sufferers are also afraid to take the medications they need. They worry about the side effects and complications. This is where BrainCore comes into the discussion around learning disorders.

BrainCore is a safe, drug-free alternative. Always seek out a licensed medical professional who has trained in neurofeedback. Rewiring the brain takes expertise and training. If it’s not done correctly, patients won’t get the results they want. It could also create more problems later on.

When you work with a trained professional, the differences become clear over time. A doctormonitors patient progress and discusses anything else they need to do. Sometimes, this involves ongoing therapy. The goal is to help patients think the way they’re supposed to. Your focus and perceptions are clear. With the right BrainCore treatment plan, learning and memory retention becomes easier. Learning disorders affect the way patients experience the world. What kind of learning disorders does BrainCore target?

Auditory Processing Disorder: The brain of someone with auditory processing disorder doesn’t interpret sound correctly. It doesn’t recognize or understand the small differences between words or the order in which words are used. They also struggle to tune out other sounds.

Dyscalculia: Patients with dyscalculia struggle to process numbers and math. This makes it extremely difficult to learn even basic algebra. They might struggle to understand or memorize key numbers.

Dysgraphia: A person’s ability to write is closely linked to fine motor skills. Sufferers have trouble knowing how much space they need to write. They also display illegible handwriting, poor spelling, and spacing of written words. They are also unable to think and write at the same time.

Dyslexia: Dyslexia is one of the most commonly talked about learning disorders. It affects reading comprehension, writing, and recall later on. Dyslexia patients struggle with reading, spelling, and writing. It even bleeds over into speech.

Learning disorders are one of the common struggles patients continue to face. BrainCore technicians sit down with patients to make a plan. Even if you’ve suffered from learning disorders all your life, neurofeedback specialists help people like you every day. BrainCore helps people find long-term solutions for learning disorders at minimal cost.

9.) Memory Loss and Braincore

What are 10 Things you Should Know About Braincore Therapy and Neurofeedback? Click Here (13)Are you worried about your memory and mental sharpness? Experts and others are talking about Alzheimer’s. It’s not limited to the elderly, and its effects are life-changing. It could start as a little trouble remembering details. Then it progresses to forgetting loved ones, social embarrassment, and alternative arrangements. People with Alzheimer’s will eventually lose their ability to live on their own.

We all forget things sometimes. Fatigue, poor diet, and other factors aggravate the problem. When your brain is healthy, correcting the problem is easy. A good night’s sleep could be all you need. If you’re susceptible to Alzheimer’s, you’ll see this change with age. Many people are understandably concerned and want to get a headstart on the process. How do you slow the progress before you notice the symptoms? Can you reverse the symptoms of Alzheimer’s once it starts?

Until recently, patients were victim to their Alzheimer’s. It was a waiting game. Now, patients and their doctors are exploring proactive options. BrainCore advocates say it rewires the brain. Memory and the decline we often associate with age can be changed. Doctors work to strengthen your brain and optimize function. Neurofeedback should always be practiced by a trained medical professional and combined with a brain map. An untrained novice could do more damage than good. BrainCore helps the brain fix broken wiring and more. The process has to be planned.

How long does it take to notice the difference? Some studies suggest users could see improvements in as little as one session. The earlier you address the problem, the better off you are. Many people don’t get started until they’ve noticed mild cognitive impairment (MCI). BrainCore can still help. It’s a question of how much.

Does research support BrainCore for different patients?

Practitioners use the techniques developed over 40 years of research on neurofeedback. Research shows that by rewiring the brain, BrainCore improves many of the symptoms of suboptimal brain function. It’s not solely the opinion of users and doctors. MRI brain scans from past studies show noticeable differences in the brain post-neurofeedback. The brain is always changing. BrainCore guides it in a better direction.

Why haven’t you heard about neurofeedback and BrainCore before?

Many doctors focus on the immediate symptoms. They look at prescriptions and othertechniques that slow the progress of Alzheimer’s. They might focus on diagnosing it first to be sure they’re treating the right thing. BrainCore is used on healthy people too. Not all doctors understand how it works. So they don’t know when to recommend it or send patients to a specialist. Most patients find the information first online or have it recommended by a loved one.

The final question many patients ask is simple: does BrainCore work? Are the effects real?

What are 10 Things you Should Know About Braincore Therapy and Neurofeedback? Click Here (14)The answer is absolutely. Neurofeedback is one of the more extensively studied medical treatments. Its applications are broad covering anxiety, ADHD, and so much more. Patients use BrainCore to address everything from mild brain fog to progressing Alzheimer’s. It’s not a cure for a serious disease. It does promote significant improvements. Schedule your appointment and see the difference for yourself.

10.) Braincore and Anxiety

Anxiety is one of the most commonly discussed mental illnesses. Some people think of nervousness in social situations or high-pressure situations as anxiety. For people who suffer from this mental illness, it’s debilitating and life-altering. It could manifest as a mild sense of fear or nervousness when entering routine social situations. Depending on the person, it could escalate and prevent patients from holding a job, making friends, and more.What are 10 Things you Should Know About Braincore Therapy and Neurofeedback? Click Here (15)

Different people have different experiences with anxiety, but it shouldn’t be taken lightly. If you have this condition, always work with your doctor to get the right diagnosis and start a treatment plan. Many other mental illnesses and conditions look like anxiety to the untrained eye.

Neurofeedback isn’t always the first treatment psychiatrists try. Some turn to medication, therapy, and other treatments first. It’s not always because they think these treatments are better. Many psychiatrists don’t know that much about BrainCore. They weren’t trained on when to use it or introduced to BrainCore as a primary treatment. Many patients end up being the ones to bring it up first.

Especially if you have severe anxiety, you should never start treatment without your psychiatrist. Also, don’t discontinue other treatments you’re already using. Neurofeedback is a gradual process that builds over time. Many anti-anxiety medications aren’t meant to be stopped abruptly. This is true even if your psychiatrist feels they could be replaced with BrainCore.

Neurofeedback rewires the brain. It’s simple and non-invasive. Many people say it’s safe with noside effects. Especially for patients with severe anxiety, always look for a trained medical professional. Untrained practitioners could do more damage or have no positive impact at all.

When used the way it’s designed to be used, neurofeedback has proven benefits. It gives the brain signals and rewards. Some studies show it has effects in as little as one session. For the full benefits, you should plan on about 20 sessions.

How effective is neurofeedback for anxiety?

What are 10 Things you Should Know About Braincore Therapy and Neurofeedback? Click Here (16)Several small studies have tested the effects. All these studies showed neurofeedback reduces anxiety. Depending on the patient, it could even get rid of it. Of course, more extensive research needs to be done. In combination with therapy and medications as needed, BrainCore is a strong option for people with anxiety. It promotes an overall feeling of wellbeing and calm. It recognizes different problems and corrects them.

You might not feel a dramatic difference in the first few sessions. BrainCore makes significant changes to the brain in the first session. Depending on how willing your brain is to adapt, this could be more significant for some than others. It takes time to get everything working the way it’s supposed to. The change will be gradual building over time. Over the recommended 20 sessions, patients see no shortage of results. Most importantly, the results are lasting. Whatever improvements you see with BrainCore now will stick.

How do patients with anxiety pay for BrainCore?

McKenna Family Chiropractic helps patients fit BrainCore into their busy schedules. We also help patients with payment options. Our goal is your health and success.

I hope that we have answered any questions or calmed any fears that you may have previously had with Braincore. If you have further questions or would like to schedule a consult, please give our office a call!

What are 10 Things you Should Know About Braincore Therapy and Neurofeedback? Click Here (2024)


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Fun facts about neurofeedback
  • Neurofeedback was first developed in the late 1950s by Dr. ...
  • Sterman, working with cats, taught them to increase their sensorimotor rhythm (brain waves). ...
  • Sterman's cats also helped NASA develop training for astronauts.

What does BrainCore therapy do? ›

According to experts, BrainCore is a drug-free alternative that stabilizes the brain. Neurofeedback isn't nearly as new as some might think. It was discovered over 40 years ago, and the FDA hasn't reported a single side effect. This therapy has been used to treat ADHD migraines, insomnia, and more.

How much does BrainCore neurofeedback cost? ›

The average cost of a BrainCore Neurofeedback treatment is $90-$150 per session.

What does neurofeedback do to the brain? ›

Neurofeedback Improves Attention and Focus

With learning disabilities or problems with focus and concentration such as with attention deficit disorder, neurofeedback treatment is able to specifically help areas of the brain so that it is easier to focus, leading to enhanced learning and performance in school and work.

Who should not do neurofeedback? ›

Pre-existing neurological conditions may increase the risk of adverse reactions. For example, if you have epilepsy, abnormal electrical activity may increase your risk of seizures. Other conditions, including traumatic brain injury, narcolepsy, or migraines may cause unique side effects.

What is a key advantage of neurofeedback? ›

Because neurofeedback training is a self-regulating, learned skill, patients can enhance their own cognitive functioning as they practice control over their brainwave activity. The treatment process strengthens the brain's ability to generate appropriate brainwave patterns that can lead to long-term improvement.

Does neurofeedback rewire your brain? ›

There are a number of neurotechnologies with therapeutic applications that achieve this goal in a variety of ways. For example, neurofeedback therapy helps to rewire brain wave activity through positive reinforcement.

How does neurofeedback help memory? ›

This “feedback” is painless, but over time, it teaches your brain to remain focused, allowing you to better remember what you`re seeing and hearing. This results in new neural connections that allow you to better remember anything you experience in your day-to-day life as well.

Can I buy my own neurofeedback machine? ›

Once you see how effective brain training can be it is common for the whole family to jump on-board (see post "Neurofeedback for Kids. Brain Training for the Whole Family!") Buying your own neurofeedback system means you can do neurofeedback at home, in your office, on the road or wherever you choose.

Is neurofeedback a sham? ›

However, neurofeedback is still not accepted as a mainstream treatment within mental health circles — and the most robust research into the intervention so far suggests it is no more effective than a placebo.

What is the success rate of neurofeedback? ›

What is the success rate of neurofeedback? The success rate commonly quoted by clinicians and in published scientific research for neurofeedback for certain conditions is 75%-80%. However, more neurofeedback research needs to be done to accurately state efficacy rates.

Does neurofeedback work permanently? ›

So is neurofeedback permanent? The positive results generated from neurofeedback treatment can be experienced long-term. Overall, neurofeedback therapy can be a long-lasting, safe, and effective treatment option, without the risk of side effects that can occur with the use of prescription medication.

What do neurologists think about neurofeedback? ›

Although it's not a new approach, the research around neurofeedback therapy is still inconclusive and ongoing. So while it may not be a cure-all, there is some evidence that it can be an effective treatment for certain patients.

What are the issues with neurofeedback? ›

Social Anxiety: Sometimes those who have a history of anxiety in social situations feel a greater sense of anxiety after a neurofeedback session. Tiredness: Like any other form of exercise and training, neurofeedback can be tiring, especially if too much training is attempted before the patient is ready.

How to know if neurofeedback is working? ›

Most people find the neurofeedback process and training relaxing – some feel relief and results immediately, but every patient is different. Most of our patients begin to feel the benefits of neurofeedback in 3-4 weeks, or 6-8 sessions.

What are some interesting facts about biofeedback therapy? ›

A review of scientific clinical studies found that biofeedback may help people with insomnia fall asleep. Other studies suggest it may even reduce the risk of cardiac events by lowering blood pressure levels and reducing the body's "sympathetic" response during times of stress.

How long has neurofeedback been around? ›

A Brief History of Neurofeedback: When Was Neurofeedback Invented and What's the Science Behind It. Neurofeedback is a highly personalized way to train the brain and improve performance. Neurofeedback was invented in the late 1950s and 1960s by two researchers: Dr. Joseph Kamiya at the University of Chicago and Dr.

How long do the benefits of neurofeedback last? ›

Whilst stimulant medications can be effective for up to 12 hours benefit, completing a program of neurofeedback is found to have long term benefits (with current research showing benefits present after 5-10 years post treatment).

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Name: Golda Nolan II

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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.